Friday, September 9, 2011

Glory to God!~

I was listening to a radio program a couple of days ago on Creationism. I was pondering the message and it baffles me that there are people who actually think we evolve from monkeys, or lions, or rabbits, or snakes. hmmm

I did not evolve from a monkey, so I will try not to act like one.
I did not evolve from a lion, so I will not devour, roar, or destroy as one.
I did not evolve from a rabbit so I will not pro-create as such.
I did not evolve from a snake so I will not slither, poison, or defile as such.

I am a unique creation of the Great I Am. Made in His image as mankind is I hope to reflect his goodness, mercy, and compassion to my fellow man.
I am a child of The King, and will conduct myself as part of a royal family.
I am His and He is mine. I will remember this at all times.
I am Blessed to have found my way back to the foot of the cross, and I will rejoice without ceasing.

When He created the universe, the earth and all therein, He had me and you in mind. A Father who made a dwelling place for his loved ones.
When He breathes life into me on a daily basis, I will be thankful and remember this blessing.
When He sent Jesus to live, teach, touch and die on the cross, He had me in mind. I will be a blessing to those who have yet to realize his magnitude and compassion, and His love.
When He touches the world around me with his large and small miracles, I will be mindful and give thanks and praise to Him.

Glory to God!~
Glory to God!~
Glory to God!~
Glory to God!~

Recommended reading: Genesis ch. 1

"The Truth shall set you free."

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