Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning!~

I've been sorting through so many nooks and crannies here at home. I cleaned out the file cabinet this morning. Whew~! It was packed. I tossed so much old paperwork. I have slowly sorted and cleaned a number of trouble spots in the last few weeks. I have an ongoing To-Do list that I am slowly marking down to the end.

We've all had allergy problems and BoBo was soooo sick. Hunny is still fighting with his and he will not go to the doctor or take any meds. Maybe this week-end he can rest and fight it off. I sure hope so.

Week before last we sorted stuff in the garage and got ready for a garage sale. Then the forecast called for rain. I decided to wait until this Saturday. Then I found out the church picnic is this Saturday, so I postponed again until next week. LOL We will see... I have a ton of good stuff to sell. WE are such pack rats.

I have been in good spirits and that is totally due to the good pastoring and preaching from my Pastor. So many good sermons in recent weeks. But, then again, he always has such good guidance for everyday living. And, the spiritual growth I have experienced since I started this church is almost mind boggling.

1) I am learning to "gird up the loins of my mind, and bring all things into the captivity of Christ." I need these reminders from my Pastor. I read my Bible everyday, or at least almost every morning. But, his guidance is critical as the Man of God in my life. I feel so sad for people who do not have my kind of Pastoral leadership. So many churches are just drifting along and the membership must really struggle with stresses. A good pastor can make all the difference.

2) He recently taught on "Evidence." I am using the evidence I find in the Bible, and in my life, to remind me of his everlasting power, and presence in my life and in the world around me.

3) I was amazed by his teaching on Wednesday nite. He used scripture to remind us how the "meek" can be so spiritually ready for all things. I forget... and need the reminders. Iwas really surprised at the scriptures on Meekness throughout the Bible.

It helps to remember that every miracle in the Bible was awesome, but was only performed by God after some major disaster or crisis. I have seen miracles in my life and they are always following some major valleys in my life or the lives of people around me.

I am in good spirits and even tho my allergies are still annoying me I am prepared to picnic tomorrow. I am about to head to the store for my supplies. i am taking a few condiments, a selection of chips, large cooler of iced tea, and desserts. My job is mostly shopping and baking a couple of cakes. :)

I did invite several friends and family to the picnic, but almost all of them already have plans. My daughter is going to a late funeral, and hubby has to help a friend work on vehicles.

But, my sister and her son are going with me. It is good to have my sister and her son back in church. :)

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