Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dumpster Divin'???

LOL In the Spring and Fall each year our city has a citywide bulk waste curbside clean-up for residents. LOl This means that if you don't want to have a garage sale you can pile all your junk at the curb and the city will haul it off. I know. I usually pile a ton of stuff at the curb and by the time the trucks come most of it has been carried off by those who have a use for all my miscellaneous junk. LOL It is a great giveaway kind of thing. LOL

I know. Hubby and I drive around town and look at all the piles and sometimes carry stuff home. LOL Actually we sometimes carry a lot of stuff home. Last Spring I rescued an Ivy plant from the curb, along with a couple of beautiful potted ornamental shrubs. The Ivy was root bound so I re potted it and now it sits on the front porch and has exploded into all its majesty. I will need to find a home for it before winter as it is so huge now I have no room for it inside the house. LOL The ornamentals are planted in the backyard.

I also found BoBo a tiny little Red Rider bicycle and a Jenny Lind rocking chair just his size. Both were in mint condition. I wiped them down and he was thrilled.

I was driving along last spring and there was a very nice recliner sitting at the curb. I tried to get it into the back of the Suburban and got it stuck. LOL I called my son. He was so embarrassed to come and help me. LOL :P But, the recliner was of great thrills to a young couple we met who needed it for their new place. They had nothing and were overjoyed to get it along with a fan and a few other things we had at the curb here at home.

Now, this mobile high-pile dumpster divin' hubby and I are into is a source of great embarrassment to our children and grandchildren. LOL Hey!~ We're hicks!~ What can I say. And, anyone who knows me at all knows that I am a full blown dyed in the wool bargain hunter. If it ain't on sale, I ain't buyin'. Sooooo, free...FREE!~ How could I resist that I ask you???

btw, ain't is "hick speak" for I am not, or, is not, etc. etc.

There have been bulk waste days where my sister and I have driven' around town for a couple of hours just lookin'. It is amazing what people will throw away. I know that from my great bulk waste escapades. LOL

Ok, so fast forward to this week. My hubby went to pick up our granddaughter of 15 the other night. She was talking to her mom about the winter formal. She was saving her hard earned nickels and dimes to buy hair accessories for the upcoming winter formal and wanted a pact with mom. She would save and mom would supply a matching amount. She told mom she did not care about the dress so much, but, would be happy to shop for a special dress for the prom instead. LOL As they were leaving to come back to our house my daughter heard my hubby tell her he thought it was time for him to take her to look for a winter formal, and he would take her dumster divin'.

I still laff so hard when I think of what must have been the horrified look on her face. what a hoot!~

I am posting this one for the kids and grand kids alike.


  1. Tried to comment and it did not go thru. testing!~ lol sd

  2. well, no that i know how to do it I forgot half of what i said. :p sd

  3. oh yeah, it was good to read this. It made me laff knowing u would never never put her in something shabby. lol fuuny story~ sd
