Friday, June 18, 2010

Babysittin Dixie...LOL

Sis is going out of town for the weekend and Ric is still at church camp. Dixie, Ric's little teacup yorkie is here again for a couple days. I am rotating the dogs. Got Noodle in the bedroom, and our big dog, Lady Bug is out back and in and out of the garage for a few hours. Lady is big and scares Dixie, Noodle is old and cranky with her.

I had BoBo all day yesterday so I didn't get a thing done. I am doing laundry and listening to the news to catch up on current events. There were six or seven earthquakes in Indonesia this week. I hear about all the signs we are being hammered with and I am reminded we really are living in the last days.

I am heartsick like so many others over this epic oil crisis in the gulf. My heart goes out to the people, the wildlife and the aquatic creatures. I know that we were given dominion over the earth and all the creatures. It is enraging that mankind can create this kind of devastation on this our good earth. It is truly amazing what God allows. And, people wonder if he exists or if he loves them. Mind boggling!~

I have a very special book to read in the coming days. It is titled "The Apostolic Life" by David K. Brennan. Pastor loaned it to another member and I saw it laying in the pew when he was to return it. I was blessed that Pastor stopped just then and I got permission to read it too. :) Good spiritual guidance books aside from the Bible are hard for me to find.

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