Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Time of Testing!~

The last few months have been such a time of testing for my entire family. So many things going on that cannot be posted in respect for others' privacy. But, just waiting for the biopsy on my daughter is trying for the senses. Now my oldest grandson is going thru much the same thing, in that he will be undergoing testing for colon cancer. I keep holding fast to my faith and believing that My God is Able to deliver and to heal. But, there are those moments when I have to really pray my way back to sanity. The mind starts wavering and the spirit feels weak. Whew!~

But, early in the mornings when I pray and read my Bible I can seek and find those quiet moments in his presence. When that happens and I feel his touch I am strengthened and my day is so blessed with peace. I know that everything happens for a reason and we must walk through the valleys and look for his light.

I have had so many demands that I have not a book for weeks now. But, in the meantime I carry my sewing bag with me. I have managed to catch up on some mending and needlework.

BoBo is doing so good and that makes me so happy. Last week-end the little stinker woke-up Sunday morning at 1:00a.m. He went back to sleep at 5:00 a.m. after a good breakfast. I was exhausted all day and took him home late that afternoon and fell into bed very early. This old lady is not as spry as needed to keep up with him when he is in dynamo gear. lol

I so hope he gets a good nights sleep tonite so we don't have to miss church tomorrow morning. I was so punchy last Sunday I wasn't too pumped about even driving down the street to take him home.

My oldest sister is finally feeling some better. She's had some kind of chest congestion for three months. She finally went to a different doctor and the meds he prescribed are helping. I am thankful she did get a new doctor. She has been so sick.

Dogs have been a big problem for months at the farm and so many calves and cows have been chased and chewed just for doggy sport. My brother-in-law, his best friend, and hubby have finally solved the problem for the moment I think. You don't wanna know what they did and finally did to deal with the dogs. I would like to get my hands on the idiots who dump their dogs and the neighbors who think they should let the dogs run free. duh!~ morons!~

Week before last the old store where Paul lives got burgled three days in a row. So hunny and the crew, did a lot of looking in the surrounding area for a truck caught on camera. Some one was going out back and carrying off anything they could find to sell for scrap and aluminum. But, third night my b-i-l was driving by just after dark, and saw a truck and pulled in and caught them. The driver of the truck got away with all the stolen goods, but, two teenagers he had with him were not so lucky. They both had the opportunity to visit with county law enforcement. LOL We may never get hunny's old tractor motor back, but at least the boys now know they are being watched. The law was very interested in this because several homes have been burgled just down the road in recent days.

I do not know how this will all turn out, only time will tell.

I am content in the knowledge that MY God is still on his throne. With this country in a tizzy over health care and other issues, I just keep turning all things over to his care. "Yea, tho I walk... for thou art with me."


  1. Sweetie, you and your family are in my prayers several times each day, hopefully you can feel strength from these prayers. (((HUGS)))

  2. ((Dolly)) I just happened to be back prowling and found ur note. Thank you so much. You are a dear friend to take the time to let me know. ((HUG))
