Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birds and Plapples and Flowers!~

I was out working in the yard the other day and sat down to rest. I was going slow trying not to overdo. Lo, and behold, one of the local male Redbirds flew down in front of my by the garage and just watched me. I finally realized he was waiting for me to clean and fill the birdbath.

So, I got the hose and sprayed out the birdbath and added fresh water. The "Plapple" tree flowers had blown in from the windy days and the bath was so nasty. I filled it about half full and went and sat down to finish my restation. LOL

I looked back over and there he was slapping the water with is wings and dipping his head and shaking it. He finished his bath and then I noticed her on the lower branches of the Plapple just beyond the rim of the birdbath. She was the lookout for any and all predators. When he finished, and hopped out, she jumped in for her bath. It was such a lovely sight. SHe just slapped and splashed and preened in the water for him. What magnificent creatures. When bath time was over they both sat on the branches and preened their feathers. Amazing!~

The Plapple tree is actually a wild plum tree a friend gave me. I planted it close to the house because all wild plum trees are usually so small. I figured it would be ok. Well, I watered and used Miracle Gro and that tree is big. lol Most years the plums are marble size as is typical of wild plum trees. But, a couple of years ago, the tree produced plums the size of small apples. My Hunny has called it a "Plapple" since then. My brother-in-law made several pints of wild plum jelly from that crop and it was a bountiful crop. lol

My Azaeleas are blooming and they are so beautiful this year. Five pink bushes and one crimson. I was so worried the snow would destroy them during the last cold spell but, they survived. I have Irises too. Yipeee~ MY tulips this year were monstrous and right at Easter. I am concerned about my flower bed under the tree in the front yard. I pulled a lot of poison ivy this time. sheesh~ I need to check into that shake and weed stuff. :{

It took a couple of days to get over the aches and pains from the yard work. But, I do believe that God in his infinite wisdom knew I needed to see his handiwork every time I walk out the door. I love to take quiet moments to sit out there and reflect.

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