Saturday, April 17, 2010

Plowin' along...

It is a quiet Saturday afternoon and I am finishing up a few things around the house before I go pick up BoBo. I don't bother with anything other than chasing him around when he is here. Aside from cooking or a bit of laundry I don't get much done. I do have quality time with him and that is all that matters. I wonder if that sweet great grandson of mine will remember me when he is grown. I cherish him with all my heart. It is such a joy to see him smile and when he is happy, I am happy. :P

I am so blessed to have such good boys for my grandsons. All of them are the kind of kids that make grandparents so proud. Even when they are less than perfect they are still so far above some of the other kids seen out in public today. good parents... they aren't perfect either, but they try and see to their kids. I am a proud mama and mema. I wonder if anyone reading this later on can tell? I love my kids and grandkids. Just for the record!~

It is rainy again today so BoBo will not be able to go into the backyard and play on his tractor. He will be full of energy. I usually let him run amuck riding his toys and pushing some of the push ones. It helps to burn up some of his excess energy and helps to slow the little fella down.

It amazes me that he really is such a good boy during church usually. here at home he never slows down. I so hope we can keep the routine going and I can keep him in church as long as I am able.

I am still so sore from the yard work. I will take a couple of tylenol before I go to pick him up. LOL It is the only way I will be able to do the bending down to him.

I just found out that my son made a tentative deal on a house in East Texas over last week-end. So, it looks like he will be moving soon. *sigh* I so hope this works out for him and his family. I will miss him so much.

We got up early and hit the grocery store for a big sale at FireLake. Spring produce!~ Got a ton of fresh strawberries and veggies. I cleaned and stored six quarts of strawberries for the freezer. I did fresh broccoli and cauliflower for the fridge. I love this time of year. We sure enjoy the fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and other goodies from the garden during summer.

My daughter does not like strawberries because of the seeds. But, my hunny can eat them fresh or frozen. It is so much healthier to freeze them myself and add sweetener rather than a ton of sugar.

I am just rambling and will stop for now. I need to get busy and stop piddling around. lol

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