Monday, August 2, 2010

Another week-end over...

Ok, it is Monday morning and I have been up once again since 4;15a.m. Hunny rolled outta here at 4:30am ad I got putt putt boy up at 4:45am. I am so thankful they both have good jobs but the schedules are changing daily. It sure keeps me running. lol

We are still fighting the flea problem. I have spent a small fortune the last few weeks trying to control this problem. WE bought pills at the vet hospital for both our dogs. (NOT CHEAP.) The pills are working great as the fleas that do get on them are dying. But, the young lady next door has four or five dogs and two cats and that seems to be what is causing the problem. We have sprinkled our yard three times, sprayed at least five times. We bombed on Saturday and he sprayed again later yesterday and still have fleas entering the small bath on the South side of the house which is near her garage. ARGH!!~ Maybe I should buy pills for everyone that enters our house. We live in a very nice neighborhood and this girl is a teacher. So, I just don't understand how she can live with the problem. Gripe, gripe, grumble, grumble.

I heard a very much needed sermon yesterday. I am so thankful for my Pastor. It is so sad to think of all the people who go to churches seeking guidance and never find a pastor who is a true Man of God. I was blessed with the greatest inflow of God's presence and felt so at peace when the feelings flowed through me. I am so thankful that Jesus did not leave us comfortless. I sometimes wish I could just stay right there in that place forever. But, I know that someday I will be there forever and it keeps me going. Such blessed feelings of peace and joy when his spirit fills me.

BoBO was not so good during service yesterday. He is wanting to play and travel and he even crawled under the church pew. I swatted him to get him to crawl back out from under and that was embarrassing. I guess for the next few weeks I will spend time with him in the baby class so he can get used to being there. He is now two and a half and it is time for him to be in with children his age. It just took some time for him to adapt to being out in a large group. I didn't want to just start leaving him as he is a very shy timid baby due to the lack of interaction in his past. But, after yesterday (lol) I feel he is comfortable enough at the church building and with the people there, that he is ready for the transition to Sunday School. I know that NaaiNaai got mad at me for trying to discipline him, as she is such a softy. She doesn't get to spend much time with him because she works a very demanding job. I on the other hand spend a lot of time with him and I have to use discipline to try and control the boy in him. And, he was disturbing the man at the end of our pew, and I know how that feels.

I sure stay tired most of the time now. Either too many irons in the fire or not enough time to keep up with everything I am called on to do. I will try to rest more. It helps when the first of the month rolls around and I get my B12 shot.

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