Saturday, January 8, 2011

"...for they shall see God."

Matthew 5:8 (King James Version)
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

These words from the Bible are so comforting. For all those parents and grandparents out there who suffer the loss or separation from a child for whatever reason, this should bring comfort. Just to know these words of spiritual guidance spoken by Jesus himself in the Sermon on the Mount. Wow!~

I visited my best friends parents church last Sunday morning and this is the scripture Pastor Kirbo based his sermon on. Now, his sermon was about seeing God. He talked about how Moses, and a select few, such as prophets, had personal encounters with Almighty God. He taught how we should seek his face. He encouraged everyone to study and work at developing a personal relationship with God. I am being brief here as I am not a theologian and would not want to try and relay his entire sermon. However, it was a very good sermon and I could not do it justice.

But, my revelation this morning was in relation to my situation with BoBo and his parents. As to small children, I believe all little children are pure in heart. Most people would agree with me. AS small children they have not ingested all the evil that we as adults have compromised out minds, lives and hearts with. So it brings me great comfort to know that all the little ones, here, there, and everywhere, may be able to see the face of God. Perhaps they do. One cannot know for sure. But, it brings me comfort to think that they do and they can. It is for certain the babies and little ones who have gone on are now cherished in the arms of the Almighty.

It makes my heart happy to think that BoBo as a small child who is no doubt pure in heart, can see God. Oh, what a blessed thought. I would think that parents or grandparents who have lost a small child would also find great comfort in this verse.

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