Friday, January 7, 2011

Just ridin the waves...

Sometimes life will through you a curve and you have to be ready. My last post was Wednesday afternoon and I was in a wonderful place. Later that evening I found out that the kids are thinking of moving two hours away with BoBo. My heart just plummeted. Fear and anxiety just had me reeling for some time there. I had to do a lot of praying to get back on track emotionally. There is a job opportunity there for only a dollar more an hour. But, who will be there to help with the little things. I pray they take time to think this through and use a little common sense.

I've been doing my Bible study and have started writing down some of my thoughts on what I read. I think in the days ahead I will start a separate label section here to record some of my own thoughts on what I'm reading. It will be good for me to have it down somewhere more permanent than my little throw away notebooks.

I found a book during the holidays while shopping and it is a Bible reference word guide. It is so good. It adds to the use of my Biblical concordance and is a great book. I went back and bought one for my cousin and my sister. I know this will help both of them too. On bad days I use it to refer to words like fear, and faith, or, some such word. The references to Angels alone had me prowling my Bible cover to cover for some time and I was astonished at all the information I gleaned. It has really enhanced my reading as it has scripture references that are not always in the back of my Bible. What a find. I plan to go and try to find more so I can give them to others. It was only $5.00 and a real bargain at that with over 3,700 word references. The title is:
Where To Find It In The BIBLE, The ultimate A to Z resource, author Ken Anderson.

I found it at the Dollar General store of all places. Wow!~ I now think of it as my bluebook, as the cover is a pastel blue.

ok, just a couple minutes til the herd bears down on me. Papa got off early today and is picking up granddaughter and a couple of her friends from school. They should be here shortly and as teenage girls are they will be on the move when they get here. They will be ready to roll as it is Friday afternoon. I wonder where they will all end up before the evening is over. One house or the other I am certain, but as yet I do not know which Mamma will be the host. lol

I still pray for BoBo sometimes from moment to moment. Others I stand so firm in my faith that all is well.

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